Students of Sharda Vidyalaya Risali participated in Chhattisgarh Open State Karate Championship organized by the Phoenix Shito-Ryu Karate Do Association India on 15th and 16th June 2024.Our students bagged the following medals in differentcategories:
1) Anubhav Singh Class -IX- 2nd position in kumite Silver Medal and 3rd in kata Bronze Medal
2) Maahir Prakash
Class-V- 3rd position (Bronze Medal)in kata and kumite
3) Kesar Dewangan Class-Xll-3rd position (Bronze Medal)in kata and kumite
4)Anik Saha Class-V-3rd position ( Bronze Medal)in kata and kumite
5) Vikash Sahu Class -VII-3rd position (Bronze Medal) in kata and kumite
6) Mihir Prakash -Class-VIII-3rd position (Bronze Medal)in kata