Sharda Vidyalaya

Sharda Vidyalaya

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, 3330088
ISO:: 9001:2015 Certified

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Van Mahotsav Celebration

The most awaited celebration of the year *VAN* *MAHOTSAV* was held at Sharda Vidyalaya Risali today in the gracious presence of *Honourable Director Sir.*
This occasion is not just a festival of trees but a reaffirmation of our commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable living. Students presented a skit on this occasion under *CBSEs Jal Doot Program* to make the students aware about the role of students in the arena of water conservation.
The students also presented speech,dance and song to share the message of how trees play an invaluable role in our lives.As we planted the trees today, we sowed seeds of a greener tomorrow, ensuring a healthier ecosystem for generations to come.On this special occasion *Honourable Director Sir* also felicitated the students with *PARYAVARAN MITRA* *PURASKAR* for their awareness towards environment.
Let us cherish this day and every tree planted as a symbol of our collective responsibility towards Mother Earth. Together, let’s nurture these saplings with care and watch them grow into mighty sentinels of nature.